Use the links below to access the Teaching and Learning Toolkit approaches mapped to the relevant elements of the NSW Department of Education School Excellence Framework’s ‘excellence in learning’ domain.
The ‘excellence in learning’ domain includes:
- Learning culture: high expectations, transitions and continuity of learning, attendance
- Wellbeing: caring for students, a planned approach to wellbeing, individual learning needs, behaviour
- Curriculum: curriculum provision, teaching and learning programs, differentiation
- Assessment: formative assessment, summative assessment, student engagement
- Reporting: whole school reporting, student reports, parent engagement
- Student performance measures: value-add, NAPLAN, student growth, internal and external measures against syllabus standards.
You may also want to review the Teaching & Learning Toolkit approaches as mapped to the other School Excellence Framework domains: excellence in teaching and excellence in leading.
The building of educational aspiration and ongoing performance improvement across a school community.
Metacognition and self-regulation
Parental engagement
Support for the cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual wellbeing of all students.
Arts participation
Behaviour interventions
Parental engagement
Social and emotional learning
The integration of quality teaching, curriculum planning and assessment to meet the learning needs of all students.
Individualised instruction
Metacognition and self-regulation
One to one tuition
Oral language interventions
Peer tutoring
Reading comprehension strategies
Small group tuition
Teaching Assistant Interventions
Within-class achievement grouping
The use of assessments and reporting to monitor, plan and report on student learning across the curriculum.
Providing clear, timely and accurate information that supports further progress and achievement for all student learning.