Evidence for Learning: Excellence in leading

Excellence in leading

The Teaching & Learning Toolkit aligned with the NSW DoE School Excellence Framework domain of excellence in leading’.

Use the links below to access the Teaching and Learning Toolkit approaches mapped to the relevant elements of the NSW Department of Education School Excellence Framework’s domain of excellence in leading’.

The​‘excellence in leading’ domain includes:

  • Educational leadership: instructional leadership, high expectations culture, performance management and development, community engagement
  • School planning, implementation and reporting: continuous improvement, school plan, annual report
  • School resources: staff deployment, facilities, technology, community use of facilities, financial management
  • Management practices and processes: Administrative systems and processes, service delivery, community satisfaction.

You may also want to review the Teaching & Learning Toolkit approaches as mapped to the other School Excellence Framework domains: excellence in learning and excellence in teaching.

The support of leadership for a culture of high expectations and community engagement, resulting in whole-school improvement.

The use of school planning and reporting to drive continuous improvement efforts.


Very high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence
Impact (months)
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The strategic use of resources to achieve improved student outcomes.

Management systems, structures and processes across a school.