Evidence for Learning: Wodonga – STEM

Wodonga – STEM

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Red-Amber-Green self assessment guide

This tool can be used to establish current practice, identify areas of focus for improvement, and monitor progress towards the development of more effective practice.Uploaded:  • 5.3 MB - pdf
Download resource Red-Amber-Green self assessment guide

Poster: Using research in science

A summary of the research base and examples for each recommendation along with sample applications to teaching practice in specific science contexts.Uploaded:  • 637.7 KB - pdf
Download resource Poster: Using research in science

Tool: RADAAR misconceptions

The RADAAR planning framework is designed to help teachers to plan around misconceptions, based around a 3‐step (cyclical) process.Uploaded:  • 100.9 KB - pdf
Download resource Tool: RADAAR misconceptions

Tool: FAME worked examples

The FAME approach outlines a few simple strategies that can be used to maximise the effectiveness of worked examples.Uploaded:  • 98.6 KB - pdf
Download resource Tool: FAME worked examples

Red-Amber-Green self assessment guide

This guide describes what ‘ineffective’, ‘improving’ and ‘exemplary’ practice can look like in relation to each of the recommendations.Uploaded:  • 201.2 KB - pdf
Download resource Red-Amber-Green self assessment guide

Red-Amber-Green self assessment guide

This guide exemplifies practice in relation to guidance report recommendations to help educators identify strengths and areas for development within their own settings.Uploaded:  • 1.1 MB - pdf
Download resource Red-Amber-Green self assessment guide

Tool: Using story books

Suggestions to support educators to plan how they will use storybook resources to maximise the potential for high-quality mathematical talk.Uploaded:  • 61.1 KB - pdf
Download resource Tool: Using story books

Tool: Metacognitive process

This one-page summary provides a starting point for schools looking to build shared knowledge on metacognitionUploaded:  • 88.9 KB - pdf
Download resource Tool: Metacognitive process

Tool: Questioning

Tool to supports teachers by providing questions that encourage students to think metacognitivelyUploaded:  • 100.7 KB - pdf
Download resource Tool: Questioning

Tool: Seven Step Model

A scaffolding framework with examples of practice to support the deliberate shift of responsibility for learning from the teacher to the student.Uploaded:  • 105.4 KB - pdf
Download resource Tool: Seven Step Model

Tool: Modelling

Tool to support teachers to plan opportunities to explicitly model self-knowledge.Uploaded:  • 96.3 KB - pdf
Download resource Tool: Modelling