Evidence for Learning: School Improvement Tool (ACER)

School Improvement Tool (ACER)

The School Improvement Tool (SIT) outlines the practices of highly effective schools and school leaders as identified in international research.

Acer Largelong

The School Improvement Tool (SIT) outlines the practices of highly effective schools and school leaders as identified in international research. Schools can use the SIT in reviewing and reflecting on their approaches to improving student outcomes. It includes specific foci on teaching and learning practices as key drivers of educational outcomes in schools. The SIT is the second iteration of the National School Improvement Tool (NSIT).

The Teaching & Learning Toolkit can help school leaders as they consider approaches across the SIT’s nine inter-related domains’. Use the links below to access Toolkit approaches mapped to each domain.

The school leadership team and/​or governing body have established and are driving an explicit, coherent, and context-appropriate school improvement agenda. The agenda reflects the school’s vision, values, and aspirations as well as the perspectives of students, families, teachers, and the wider community. It is grounded in evidence from research and analysis of school data, and expressed in terms of improvements in measurable student outcomes. Targets for improvement have been set with accompanying timelines and have been communicated to families, teachers, and students. High expectations for student learning progress, levels of engagement, and wellbeing underpin the school’s approach to improvement.“1

A high priority is given to the school-wide analysis and discussion of a broad range of systematically collected quality data on student learning, engagement, and wellbeing outcomes. Data analyses consider overall school, cohort, and individual performance, comparisons with similar schools and contexts, and evidence of improvement and/​or regression over time. Analysis and discussion of data inform improvement goals, targeted teaching and learning strategies, and progress monitoring across the school.“1


Very high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence
Impact (months)
Read more about Feedback

The school is driven by a deep belief that every student is capable of successful learning. A high priority is given to building and maintaining positive and caring relationships between staff, students, and families. Diversity is valued and celebrated. There is a strong collegial culture of mutual trust and support among teachers and school leaders, and families are treated as partners in their child’s education. The school works to create a culture of continuous improvement for both staff and students. Staff build and maintain a safe, supportive, and orderly learning environment that promotes intellectual rigour.“1


Very high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence
Impact (months)
Read more about Feedback

The school applies its resources (staff and school time, expertise, funds, facilities, materials) in a targeted manner to maximise outcomes for all students. It has school-wide policies, practices, and approaches in place to assist in identifying and addressing student needs. Flexible structures and processes enable the school to respond appropriately to the needs of individual students.“1

The school has found ways to build a school-wide, professional team of highly capable teachers. There is a strong focus on continuous professional learning for all staff and shared responsibility for students’ progress in learning. Explicit processes are in place to encourage school-wide collaboration and effective networking with other schools and learning organisations, as well as leadership development opportunities for staff.“1


Very high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence
Impact (months)
Read more about Feedback

The school has a coherent and comprehensive plan for implementation of the prescribed curriculum that ensures consistent teaching and learning expectations and a clear reference for monitoring and communicating learning progress over time. The plan embeds evidence-based teaching, learning, and assessment practices. It focuses on building students’ disciplinary knowledge and skills, as well as broader capabilities and dispositions. It has been designed through consultation with the school community and is flexibly implemented to ensure responsiveness to individual student and contextual needs. The curriculum implementation plan is regularly evaluated and refined to maximise student outcomes.“1


Very high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence
Impact (months)
Read more about Feedback


High impact for very low cost based on very extensive evidence
Impact (months)
Read more about Phonics

The school places a high priority on differentiated teaching and learning to ensure that students are learning successfully. Teaching practices across the school reflect the belief that all students can make excellent progress regardless of their starting points, if they are given appropriate learning opportunities and necessary support. Teachers closely monitor individual student progress and tailor classroom practices to best meet student needs. Targeted interventions are in place for students identified as requiring additional support.“1


Very high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence
Impact (months)
Read more about Feedback

The principal and other school leaders recognise that highly effective teaching is the key to improving student learning throughout the school. They take a strong leadership role and establish and communicate clear expectations concerning the use of evidence-informed teaching practices in all classrooms. All teachers understand and use effective teaching strategies to ensure that every student is engaged, challenged, and learning successfully. Implementation of effective pedagogical practices is facilitated through purposeful collaboration. Leaders work alongside teachers to draw on a range of evidence to evaluate and continuously refine pedagogical practices to maximise their impact on student learning.“1


Very high impact for very low cost based on extensive evidence
Impact (months)
Read more about Feedback


High impact for very low cost based on very extensive evidence
Impact (months)
Read more about Phonics

The school actively seeks ways to build a strong connection with its local and wider community to enhance student learning, engagement, wellbeing, and opportunity. Partnerships with a range of stakeholders including education and training institutions, businesses, and community organisations are strategically established to address identified student needs. These arrangements provide access to experiences and/​or physical or virtual support and resources not available within the school. Families are recognised as integral members of the school community and partners in their child’s education. Partnerships are actively monitored to ensure they achieve intended outcomes and are embedded in the school’s operation.“1

1 Australian Council for Educational Research. (2023). School Improvement Tool. https://doi.org/10.37517/978 – 1‑74286 – 700‑7