In this webinar educators will learn about seven key recommendations for teaching metacognition and self-regulated learning. These are:
- Teachers should acquire the professional understanding and skills to develop their students’ metacognitive knowledge.
- Explicitly teach students metacognitive strategies, including how to plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning.
- Model your own thinking to help students develop their metacognitive and cognitive skills.
- Set an appropriate level of challenge to develop students’ self-regulation and metacognition.
- Promote and develop metacognitive talk in the classroom.
- Explicitly teach students how to organise, and effectively manage their learning independently.
- Schools should support teachers to develop their knowledge of these approaches and expect them to be applied appropriately.
Co-presented by Susannah Schoeffel and Dr Tanya Vaughan.
Webinar presentation slides – effective metacognition
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- Guidance Report – Metacognition and self-regulation
- Teaching & Learning Toolkit – Metacognition and self-regulation
- Australasian Research Summaries – Metacognition and self-regulation
- Guidance Report – Putting evidence to work: a school’s guide to implementation
- Teacher Magazine article – Building students’ metacognition and self-regulation
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