Evidence for Learning: NSW DoE School Excellence Framework

NSW DoE School Excellence Framework

The Teaching & Learning Toolkit aligned with the NSW Department of Education School Excellence Framework

The NSW Department of Education (NSW DoE) has partnered with Evidence for Learning to map educational approaches in the Teaching & Learning Toolkit to the School Excellence Framework. 

The School Excellence Framework (the Framework) describes 14 elements across three domains of Learning’, Teaching’ and Leading’ which define the core business of excellent schools in three stages. Each year, schools will assess their practices against the Framework to inform their school plans and annual school reports. The description of excellence in the Framework supports schools as they engage their communities in the development of a shared vision, the identification of strategic priorities, and the ongoing tracking of progress towards them.

The Teaching & Learning Toolkit can help educators as they consider approaches for their school. Use the links below to access the Toolkit approaches mapped to each element by domain. Visit the NSW DoE’s Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation webpage to engage with the School Excellence Framework as well as other regularly updated publications and resources.

Excellence in learning
The Teaching & Learning Toolkit aligned with the NSW DoE School Excellence Framework domain of excellence in learning’.
Read more aboutExcellence in learning
Excellence in teaching
The Teaching & Learning Toolkit aligned with the NSW DoE School Excellence Framework domain of excellence in teaching’.
Read more aboutExcellence in teaching
Excellence in leading
The Teaching & Learning Toolkit aligned with the NSW DoE School Excellence Framework domain of excellence in leading’.
Read more aboutExcellence in leading