Evidence for Learning: Insights on using research to inform practice in schools

Insights on using research to inform practice in schools

Insights on using research to inform practice in schools from the Getting Evidence Moving in Schools (GEMS) project.

Using evidence to make change in schools is not always as straightforward as it seems. Indeed, research suggests that it is hard to do. 

This section summarises Evidence for Learning’s insights for school leaders, and those that support them, on the meaningful use of research evidence in schools. 

The insights are based on the findings from Getting Evidence Moving in Schools (GEMS), a three-year project led by Evidence for Learning to improve both how research is used in schools and how schools’ use of evidence is researched.

The Getting Evidence Moving in Schools’ Insights Paper shares lessons for school leaders, and those that support them, on the meaningful use of research evidence in schools. It consists of five research evidence mobilisation challenges’:

  1. Reflecting on research evidence use.
  2. Embedding research evidence use into school improvement processes.
  3. Designing school organisational structures to support research evidence use.
  4. Working with professional learning providers to support research evidence use.
  5. Evaluating research evidence use.

There are two reflection tools, based on extracts from the GEMS Insights Paper, for use by school leadership teams to inform reflection and discussion on research evidence mobilisation. These tools are:

  1. Reflecting on research evidence use – which assists leaders and leadership teams to reflect on the key components of evidence mobilisation in schools to consider, what meaningful use of research looks like in their school and opportunities for deeper user, and the enablers and barriers of meaningful use of research evidence in their school.
  2. Embedding research evidence use in school improvement processes – which assists leaders and leadership teams to reflect on how to embed research evidence use across all stages of school improvement or implementation processes, how to make evidence-informed decisions on what to implement, and how to understand and use the research to inform classroom practice.