This module is the penultimate of the series, and we invite you to set out actions for your own use of research evidence. Start by watching the short video below to explore the key concepts.
Mobilising evidence can be tricky – but using research evidence to inform your decision making can be a discrete action, or set of actions, that will give you the best start. When it comes to implementation, your professional expertise and judgement come into play when deciding whether or not approaches and recommendations are appropriate for your chosen priority. You know your school best.
Use the reflection tool provided to explore 3 key questions. These are about embedding evidence into your school improvement processes, making evidence informed decisions, and influencing classroom practice.
Set yourself 1 – 3 actions that aim to make your use of research evidence more meaningful.
When we come together in the final webinar – we will ask you to share the actions that you have identified for yourself / your school.
Discussion prompts
How might you support your colleagues to use research evidence in a meaningful way?
What processes, strategies or tools do you have as a team that might make the meaningful use of evidence easier?
Reflection tool for Embedding research evidence use
Uploaded: • 515.5 KB - pdfExplore the reflection tool on embedding research evidence use.