Providing high-quality feedback to students is integral to effective teaching. Equally, gathering feedback on how well students have learned a topic is important in enabling teachers to address any misunderstanding and provide the right level of challenge in future lessons.
What you’ll learn:
- Unpack the global evidence about the characteristics of effective feedback.
- Explore the implementation of feedback through a case study of an Australian school.
- This webinar will be facilitated by Dr Tanya Vaughan in conversation with Robyn Arri, Support Teacher at Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School and Anisha Ghani, Senior Project Officer in the Teaching and School Leadership Team at AITSL.
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- Teacher Magazine article: Improving students’ writing through feedback
- Teaching & Learning Toolkit approach: Feedback
- Australasian Research Summary: Feedback
- AITSL Feedback Implementation Materials
- The BRAIN Activity Booklet – Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland
De-implementation: evidence into practice
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