Evidence for Learning: Using storybooks to promote high quality maths talk

Using storybooks to promote high quality maths talk


An engaging way for children in the early years to explore maths concepts and develop their maths talk

Supporting resource •1 minute •

Recommendation 2 of the E4L Guidance Report, Improving mathematics in the early years with children aged 3 – 7 years suggests finding ways to embed maths throughout the day.

Using storybooks to teach maths can be particularly effective, through providing an opportunity for maths talk and questioning. Maths talk includes conversations with children and the use of open-ended questioning where children are encouraged to share their ideas, thinking, and strategies in order to develop their mathematical understanding, language, and reasoning skills. The process also provides opportunities for educators to better understand children’s understanding.

Use this resource to help you intentionally plan for using storybooks by developing key questions and discussion points to explore specific maths concepts.

Early Maths storybooks resource

To learn more about the evidence on maths in the early years explore the Guidance Report and other supporting resources.