The organisation, backed by Social Ventures Australia (SVA), has received $1 million in cornerstone funding from The Bryan Foundation to deliver an Early Childhood Education initiative focused on the learning lives of children before they start school. This will help ensure funding is invested in approaches that work best for Australian kids.
Evidence has shown that investment in early childhood education provides a strong return. Estimates place this ratio as 2 – 4 dollars for every dollar invested in universal preschool with economic returns likely to be higher for disadvantaged children.
The new partnership will be national but with a specific focus on Queensland and includes:
- Building evidence with new research on promising programs and practices in the early years and transitions to primary school.
- Sharing evidence with a free, open access, web-based Early Childhood Education Teaching & Learning Toolkit summarising the global research on 12 topics relevant to early childhood education, planned for release in July 2019.
- Encouraging the use of evidence with free, accessible resources to work with early childhood educators to put the evidence to work.
Evidence for Learning is a not-for-profit organisation helping great practice become common practice in Australian education. Since its founding in 2016, Evidence for Learning has become a trusted and practical voice on education research for busy school practitioners.
Evidence for Learning Director Matthew Deeble says;
‘A rich learning environment in the early years sets up kids for success in school and later life. High-quality early learning has a significant positive effect on a child’s readiness for school, and it has the greatest benefit for those from disadvantaged families. So that’s why we’re dedicated to greater evidence directed towards helping early childhood educators.”
As we did with our work in schools, we will consult widely and involve closely early childhood education research and practice experts as we combine the global knowledge with Australian experience to present clear and useful learning to busy early childhood educators.‘
The Bryan Foundation Executive Chair Jill Simes says the new partnership with Evidence for Learning is a significant and ambitious project for the Foundation.
‘The program will generate evidence to ensure early childhood expenditure is directed towards programs that actually work.
“The Foundation is extremely proud to partner with SVA, whose vision is to reduce the impact of social disadvantage on student achievement by making more evidence available and utilised.’
About The Bryan Foundation
The Bryan Foundation was established by Queensland-based businessman, Bob Bryan AM, in 2009 to provide a means of giving back to the community and creating a perpetual family legacy.
The Foundation’s core focus is empowering young Queenslanders through education.
Specifically, the Foundation partners with organisations whose education and training programs creatively address the challenges faced by vulnerable young Queenslanders, with a particular focus on early childhood education.
About Evidence for Learning
Evidence for Learning is a not-for-profit organisation that shares the best quality evidence on what works in classrooms with teachers and education decision makers across Australia.
Evidence for Learning is incubated by Social Ventures Australia (SVA) with the support of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and the Education Endowment Foundation (UK) as founding partners.