Evidence for Learning welcomes the Gonski 2.0’s Panel’s recommendation to establish an Independent Evidence Institution for Australia’s schools and applauds the Turnbull Government’s commitment to implement this recommendation.
The Review Panel for the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools report recommends ‘an independent institution to coordinate the strategic development of a national research and evidence base through the sourcing and generating of research, and the synthesising and promotion of educational evidence that can be easily accessed and implemented to improve student outcomes.‘
Director of Evidence for Learning, Matthew Deeble, said:
‘This is what Australia’s education system lacks and it’s what Australia’s education system needs for our next generation of learners to succeed in a 21st century economy.
‘Properly resourcing such a body would be a smart investment by governments to ensure the increased spending on education is spent wisely.
‘By establishing an evidence institution, Minister Birmingham will be working towards his goal of spending every education dollar on programs that evidence shows work.
‘Over the last two years Evidence for Learning has been advocating for an effective and independent evidence broker like this and we have been piloting a model to show how it can work with our different school sectors and across states and territories.
‘We need an independent expert body, like the panel has recommended, to generate, gather and share research on what works to inform better education decisions at every level, whether that’s choices teachers make in the classroom, programs that school leaders invest in or governments’ and system leaders’ policies and priorities.’
‘Countries such as England and the United States are working to lift education outcomes by mandating or encouraging evidence-based teaching and learning approaches in all schools.’
About Evidence for Learning
Evidence for Learning is a non-profit organisation that shares the best quality evidence on what works in classrooms with teachers and education decision makers across Australia.
Evidence for Learning is incubated by Social Ventures Australia (SVA) with the support of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and the Education Endowment Foundation (UK) as founding partners. Social Ventures Australia’s submission to the Gonski 2.0 panel recommended federal funding of $150 million over 10 years as an endowment for a national evidence body for school education.