Evidence for Learning is incubated by Social Ventures Australia, a non-profit organisation which works to improve the lives of people in need with great education being a key focus to overcoming disadvantage in Australia
Evidence for Learning launched in May 2016 helps educators increase their impact on learning by improving the evidence of what works and why, and by making it more widely available and actively used in classrooms, schools and systems. This aspiration is closely aligned to AITSL’s national role in promoting excellence in teaching and school leadership, using high impact, evidence-based approaches to inform practice.
Over the past six years AITSL has forged partnerships with schools, higher education providers and systems and sectors to develop, disseminate and embed their work. This is the first time AITSL has partnered with a social enterprise.
The partnership creates an excellent model of how government agencies and like-minded non-profit organisations can work strategically and collaboratively to achieve shared goals. The first joint initiative of the partnership will be a suite of resources promoting the power of feedback in teaching.
Under the partnership agreement Evidence for Learning will contribute funding to the development of feedback resources produced by AITSL that present the research in accessible formats, highlight existing practices in schools across Australia, and that support teachers and school leaders to plan, implement and evaluate feedback practices in their contexts. These resources will be available in May 2017.
Evidence for Learning: AITSL and E4L have formed a partnership around a shared commitment to evidence-based strategies
AITSL and E4L have formed a partnership around a shared commitment to evidence-based strategies
Working strategically and collaboratively to achieve shared goals.
AITSL and social enterprise Evidence for Learning have formed a partnership around a shared commitment to evidence-based strategies to maximise the impact of teaching and school leadership on student learning.
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