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Evidence for Learning: Resources for evaluators

Resources for evaluators

Advice for evaluators implementing trials and how Evidence for Learning has approached evaluation in the past. 

When Evidence for Learning approached evaluation, most notably through our now completed Learning Impact Fund, we pulled together a panel of evaluators to assist with the work of assessing trials.

This panel of evaluators comprised of organisations and research groups with expertise in education research and policy, and experience running randomised controlled trials in education or other social policy areas.

Below are the members that made up that panel. Each member was responsible to their own research codes of conduct and are independent to any projects they choose to undertake.

Evaluation panel members

  • Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
  • Centre for Program Evaluation – Melbourne Graduate School of Education
  • Fraser Mustard Centre
  • Faculty of Education and Social Work and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences – The University of Sydney
  • Faculty of Education – University of Tasmania
  • Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) – The University of Queensland
  • Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
  • School of Education – Western Sydney University
  • Teachers and Teaching Research Centre – The University of Newcastle

The panel members were selected through a competitive process according to the following criteria:

  • Experience and understanding of data gathering, research and evaluation in education
  • Knowledge of international evidence in education
  • Experience delivering randomised controlled trials
  • Skills and experience in project management
  • Knowledge of the school education sector in Australia, and the achievement of disadvantaged students in particular
  • Experience in data analysis using standardised assessment data
  • Credibility among schools and education non-profits